If you are a Seafarer you have probably been offered numerous kinds of insurance by different companies. Financial education is not taught inside the school system, this is why not a lot of Filipinos know how to Invest their Money Wisely.
Engr. Arjay Magpantay a Seafarer and the Founder of Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation answers this question for his fellow seafarers. Is Life Insurance a Wise form of Investment?
Engr. Arjay Magpantay is the Founder of a Multi-Million Start-up Corporation. He is also a business consultant and an Expert Stock Market Investing Adviser. He is the author of the Best-Selling book Blue Chips: The Comprehensive Philippine Stock Market Investor’s Guide and ” The Trading Masters: Expert Tips from the Philippine’s Best Stock Traders”.
He is also a Certified Investment Solicitor who has helped more than 100 seafarers including their family and loved ones prepare and invest for a better future. If you are a seafarer and you want to invest your money wisely, you want guidance and assistance on understanding the different kinds of investment you can try you can contact Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation.
According to his experience, his mother bought a type of insurance when he was younger. His mother declared him as a beneficiary of the insurance should something happen to her. Just like every Filipino he thought that the insurance they purchased was a sure way to safeguard their financial future. After all, isn’t that what a lot of Insurance agencies are saying in the advertisements? A lot of Insurance Companies would claim that the insurance policies that they are offering will benefit families in the long run.However, most of them fail to explain the rules and the downside of certain life investment products to clients.
Insurance is a good form of investment but only if the terms are understood by the buyer. There are certain kinds of investment that won’t match the needs of a particular person. A lot of insurance types in the Philippines require you to pay monthly and for several years before you can benefit from it. Once you fail to pay you immediately forfeit any right you have.
Despite his mother purchasing an insurance, the moment she failed to pay due to financial difficulties the Insurance lapsed. All of the hard earned money and contributions she worked so hard for was gone in an instant. The Insurance policy that was supposed to give them financial stability and comfort later on however due to lack of understanding it proved to be useless. Before you purchase any kind of insurance make sure to understand the terms and conditions first.
It is also a known fact that insurance takes a long time before it could become financially rewarding this is why Engr. Arjay Magpantay is convinced that Filipino Seafarers should learn about how to invest in Mutual Funds instead.
What is a Mutual Fund?
Investing in Mutual funds is as simple as opening a savings account in the bank and it is easier compared with trading money in the Stock Market. When you want to invest in a mutual fund in the Philippines, you will be required to open an account with a mutual fund company, or in a stock brokerage firm. After registering an account, you have to choose which type of mutual fund you like to put your money in whether in money market, bonds, balanced or stock funds. The choices are less risky than if you directly trade in the Stock Market. With a minimum investment of only 1,000 Pesos you can already begin. Compared with saving your money in the bank, investing in mutual funds will have better growth potential for long term horizon. It is easy to open a Mutual fund account, all you have to do is to find a Certified Investment Solicitor and submit the requirements and do an initial deposit.
Some of the Best Mutual Funds in the Philippines include:
Philam Asset Management Inc.
Philequity Management Inc.
First Metro Asset Management Inc.
ALFM Mutual Funds,
ATRAM Trust Corporation,
Soldivo Funds and
Sun Life Asset Management
Personal Accident Life Insurance for Seafarers:
He also believes that before investing, Seafarers should get a Personal Accident Insurance Instead. It would be best to learn different types of investment, to take the time to do proper consultation and ask those who have already experienced it. Do not put all of your money into one investment type, it would be best to explore as many options as possible by diversification.
Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation apart from educating and training Seafarers on Electrical Maritime Courses is also offering Seminars About Investments for Seafarers. If you want to meet your fellow seafarers and ask for expert advise when it comes to your next investment you can reserve your slot and meet Financial Experts who can guide you. Get useful insights and become a part of the Azzet Maritime Mission in building 1 million Filipino seafarers and families Financially Intelligent by 2023.
Azzet Maritime Consultancy is affiliated with various accredited Training and Review Centers so the people who join the club can avail of special rates and discounts. It is also in partnership with manning agencies to make it easy for seafarers to get information regarding related job opportunities.
Stock Market Investing Made Easy for Seafarers
This seminar discuss important aspect of why seafarers and their families should invest in the Philippine Stock Market to fund their Retirement Income and enjoyable life with family once they stop working on-board ship.
Stock Market is the best investment so far for seafarers who wants to grow their money passively and it can work 24/7 if you want to.
Learn how you start investing in Jollibee, SM, Ayala, San Miguel and biggest Corporations in the Philippines with just starting capital of P5,000 only.
Azzet Consultancy Corporation does not accept walk-ins for their seminars, make sure to reserve before going to their office.
RSVP: Ms. Sheila 0999 228 4508