AZZET MARITIME CONSULTANCY CORPORATION is providing trainings for current and aspiring seafarers. Trainings are tailored to fit the current needs of the industry.
What is unique with AMCC, is that it provides remote training programs thru its online training courses. It provides a world class learning experience for seafarers and interested parties who are currently abroad or having challengers with training schedules.
Short courses on the other hand give valuable insights on specific topics relating to the actual job on board.
Experience the sample quality of our trainings through free courses. Free courses will surely excite you to explore our training courses offered.
Customized Training Program is intended for companies or agencies who want to develop specialized trainings intended for their crew or employees. We can design trainings and seminars that will accommodate you training needs requirement as specified by your company manuals.
For more info Consult Us on how we can deliver your training needs.