Here is a list of some of the most highly recommended investments in the Philippines for Pinoy Seafarers. Every investment comes with risks but remember that it is better than squandering your hard earned money. If you have 100,000 pesos you can already try different kinds of investments in the Philippines.
1.Bank Products
Currently, bank products and investment are still one of the guaranteed ways to grow your investment. These bank products come in the form of Savings Accounts, Certificate of Time Deposits, and Unit Investment Trust Fund. There are different investment vehicles that Philippine banks are now offering. The best thing to do is to select the most trusted bank in your area. Get an informed advise and ask for the current investment products that banks are offering and get an expert to explain them to you.
2. Bonds
Peso Corporate bonds are medium to long-term investments that are issued by SEC Registered Philippine corporations. Bonds earn a fixed rate and have higher interest rates compared with government securities, it is also tradable in the open market. In simpler terms, bonds are the loans that are offered by investors to governments and corporations. In exchange, the borrower has to pay the interest on borrowed money at a determined date, this could be annual or semi-annual or quarterly. There are different kinds of bonds, and it is one of the best alternative types of investment products in the Philippines. But before you deal with Bonds you need to get informed first and know the risks that are involved.
Peso Bonds represents an amount that is indebted to a bank and comes with a designated maturity. It is different from a regular time deposit since it can be negotiated even while outstanding but through the market maker or the organized exchange where it has been listed.
3. Philippine Stock Market
If the first two options are complicated you can start learning about the Philippine Stock market instead. You can get the help of Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation under the leadership of founder Engr. Arjay Magpantay.
Azzet Maritime Consultancy is teaching Pinoy Seafarers how to invest in the Philippine Stock market. Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation will assist and help you assess whether you should invest in the Philippine Stock market. You can become a Pioneer and become a Certified Stock Educator with their help. Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation is offering seminars and trains Seafarers how to become a Wise Investor in the Philippine Stock Exchange.
The seminar is all about trending business and investments in today’s world. Topics include profitable investments which are suited for seafarers, OFW’s and their families who want to grow money passively with a peace of mind. The creative business ideas will definitely empower the participants to start the business in terms of right timing, creativity, crowdfunding, teamwork, accounting, and leadership.
Engr. Arjay Magpantay is the Founder of a Multi-Million Start-up Corporation. He is also a business and investment consultant and an Expert Stock market Adviser. He is the author of the best-selling book: Blue Chips: The Comprehensive Philippine Stock Market Investor’s Guide and another book ” The Trading Masters: Expert Tips from the Philippine’s Best Stock Traders”. He is also a Certified Investment Solicitor who has helped more than 100 seafarers including their family and loved ones prepare and invest for a better future. If you are a seafarer and you want to invest your money wisely, you want guidance and assistance on understanding the different kinds of investment you can try you can contact Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation.
You can also attend the seminars that Azzet Maritime Consultancy Corporation is offering and learn how to invest in some of the biggest corporations in the Philippines. For only 5,000 pesos you can already begin investing in the Philippine Stock market.
Our mission is to help millions of Filipinos to retire early by wise investing in quality stocks.
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4. Invest in Mutual Funds
One of the best investments you can try in the Philippine is Mutual Funds. You can put your money in Mutual Funds as part of diversifying your portfolio of bonds and stocks using a single transaction. Mutual Funds are handled by professional fund managers so it can result in better capital gains or income for the investors. Look for Certified Investment Solicitor so you can invest in Mutual Funds in the Philippines. You can start with only P1,000 for some of the Mutual Funds like Philam Asset Management, Philequity Management, First Metro Asset Management, ALFM Mutual Funds, ATRAM Trust Corporation, Soldivo Funds and Sun Life Asset Management which are members of Philippine Investment Funds Association.
5. Blogging or Website Flipping
Websites make money online. One example that we can disclose publicly is the website IMARK Philippines started optimizing and monitoring this website in May 2017 with no ranking on Alexa and with zero earnings in Google AdSense. It’s just half a year of managing its on-page and off-page SEO on a daily basis, but the website is now valued at approximately ₱500,000 in the international marketplace for domains and websites. It’s just half a year, and the site now ranks on top 8,000,000 globally and on top 100,000 in the Philippines. In addition, it’s earning an undisclosed amount of dollars in AdSense, amount too high and more than enough to pay the website’s annual maintenance fee over the next 10 years.
6. Life Insurance with Investment
There are different types of insurance from car or house to life insurance. Pinoy Seafarers should try looking into Variable Universal Life Insurance or VUL. VUL is a form of cash value life insurance that includes a death benefit as a form of investment feature. You can use the premium that it has accumulated for financial emergencies, this is very ideal for families of Pinoy seafarers.
7. Real Estate Rental
You can also try real estate investment for foreclosed properties in the Philippines. The minimum investment is 15,000 pesos. You can also search for installment houses with cheap mortgages as well as condominiums that you can purchase and rent out later on. Search for foreclosed properties so you can get the place cheaper or get better deals to check websites like
8. Become an Angel Investor
If you are more adventurous you can try becoming an Angel Investor. For the amount of 50,000 Pesos, you can already support a start-up business. If you do not have millions to invest but you believe in a certain business model like a delivery app, you can find start-up businesses instead who are inviting investors.
You can become a venture capitalist and invest in companies that could become the next Facebook, the next Uber or the next Airbnb. You might not have the ideas or the employees, but someone can do this for you instead. You will just invest a small amount of money and reap the rewards later on. You do not really need to be super affluent to become an Angel investor, you just need to find the right product and people to trust with your money. For just 50,000 to 100,000 you can already take part in a new business you believe in. Sure, it also has risks, but investing is always a risk, you need to be prepared mentally and accept that it could either be a loss or again, but that it is better than not trying at all. Investing is for the Brave.